Court Errs in Granting HYTA Probation
People v. Jenkins, Michigan Court of Appeals (Unpublished) Holding that the trial court assigned defendant to youthful trainee status in...
Police Search and Seizure Violated 4th Amendment
Case: People v. Collins, Michigan Court of Appeals ( Unpublished Opinion ) Issues: Search & seizure; U.S. Const. amend. IV; Whether the...
Crack in Windshield Justifies Police Seizure
Case: People v. Powell, Michigan Court of Appeals ( Unpublished Opinion ) Issues: Search & seizure; U.S. Const. amend. IV; Const. 1963,...
Court OKs Closing Courtroom for HYTA Case
Case: People v. GR Court: Michigan Court of Appeals ( Published Opinion ) Judges: Borrello, K.F. Kelly, and Servitto Issues: Closing...
Prosecutor Commits Misconduct at Trial
Case: People v. Hardy Court: Michigan Court of Appeals ( Unpublished Opinion ) Prosecutorial misconduct; People v. Dobek; People v....
Police Violated 4th Amendment, says Michigan Supreme Court
Case: People v. Towne Michigan Supreme Court ( Order ) Search & seizure; Motion to suppress evidence; U.S. Const. amend. IV; Const. 1963,...
Smell of Marijuana Established Probable Cause Before New Law
Case: People v. Carlson, Michigan Court of Appeals, (Unpublished Opinion) Issues: Search & seizure; Denial of motions to quash a search...
Court of Appeals Overturns Concealed Weapon Ruling
People v. Brown, Michigan Court of Appeals (Published Opinion) Issues: Motion to dismiss a carrying a concealed weapon (CCW) charge; MCL...
Appellate Court Overturns OWI Dismissal
Case: People v. Wright, Michigan Court of Appeals (Unpublished Opinion) Probable cause; People v. Champion; People v. Lyon; People v....
Court Rules Police had Legal Grounds to Investigate
People v. Carter, Michigan Court of Appeals (Unpublished Opinion) Issues: Search & seizure; Traffic stop & arrest; People v. Cartwright;...